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Tech Company Stocks Getting Legit in the Next 5-10 Years? Let's peek here

Technology is predicted to skyrocket in the future. Moreover, the pandemic condition that 'limits' human life has accelerated the process of skyrocketing various kinds of technology so that human limitations can be helped by the technology.

If you are reading this article through sharing posts in blogger groups on social media, then you are already in the world of technology. The Internet as a part of technology will always exist and its various advances you may have experienced. Simple progress such as changing the version of HTML, PHP, CSS, until the birth of their respective frameworks. Codeigniter and Laravel are the best known examples of PHP frameworks. Bootstrap and Materialize CSS are examples of the most commonly used PHP frameworks.

Tech Company Stocks Getting Legit in the Next 5-10 Years? Let's peek here

Technology Company Stocks Will Be Legit in the Next 5-10 Years? Let's take a peek here

Technology is predicted to skyrocket in the future. Moreover, the pandemic condition that 'limits' human life has accelerated the process of skyrocketing various kinds of technology so that human limitations can be helped by the technology.

If you are reading this article through sharing posts in blogger groups on social media, then you are already in the world of technology. The Internet as a part of technology will always exist and its various advances you may have experienced. Simple progress such as changing the version of HTML, PHP, CSS, until the birth of their respective frameworks. Codeigniter and Laravel are the best known examples of PHP frameworks. Bootstrap and Materialize CSS are examples of the most commonly used PHP frameworks.

Those are just a few examples of technological advances that already exist to be better, more sophisticated, cool, and easy to use. Not to mention the ideal technology that does not currently exist but is likely to be available soon, supported by other increasingly advanced technologies.

Future-Defining Technology

Forbes wrote that there are at least 25 technologies that are currently booming that can determine what human life activities will look like in the next 5-10 years to decades to come. Where humans will rely heavily on this technology not only to meet their needs but also to increase flexibility and cost efficiency in doing business.

Here are some of the technologies in question. I quote some that are easy for us to understand just their position in normal human life.

  1. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Artificial intelligence will one day replace human functions that can be sick, tired, and on leave of work while robots can work 24/7 full time.
  2. The Internet of Things (IoT). Data transmission is very necessary in the growth of technology so that the internet will be increasingly vital in its position in human life.
  3. Wearables and augmented humans. The technology used daily by humans is increasingly spoiling life. Call it Google Maps, Smart Watch, including Gofood, PPOB application, Traveloka, and many more.
  4. Big Data. The process of digitizing life clearly requires devices that are capable of storing and transmitting data. All gaps in human activity are recorded and processed into data that can be used by anyone. A strong data center and smart data analysis system are needed to process big data.
  5. Blockchains. Every online transaction clearly requires a strong database security system so that cybercriminals cannot easily enter.
  6. Cloud and edge computing. Non premise storage facilitates the process of transmission and analysis at a higher level.
  7. Natural language Processing. The human speech language can already be understood by the technological system so that the need for interaction with voice will be more effective and efficient with this technology. In addition, its use for the analysis of human behavior is also very important.
  8. Chatbot/Voice Interface. Maybe you've had experience communicating with a company's 'service center' through a messaging application but the response from the service center was very fast and tended to direct us to 'choose' what they provided? it's called a chatbot.
  9. Autonomous Vehicle. Tesla has created a car that 'can' drive itself and that is easy to do if other supporting technologies are available, especially with the 5G network.
  10. 5G. Level 5 mobile technology network that makes our lives faster, smarter and wireless.
  11. Augmented Reality. The creative process of art to industry will be facilitated with this technology where humans can create things that don't exist yet.
  12. Digital Platforms. Applications on smartphones will still be perched as the technology of the future.
  13. Cyber ​​Security. No matter how sophisticated a technology system is, it clearly requires a qualified security defense fortress. As long as there are digital transactions, cyber security will still be needed.
  14. Robotic process automation. It's no longer the time to use admin staff, inputs, checkers and so on where the work can be done by robots. Besides being faster in working on the robot, it's also cheaper, right?
  15. 3D and 4D printing and additive manufacturing. This technology is actually a combination of several technologies that make it easier for industry players to make products according to market demands.

Technology Company Stocks Will Be Legit in the Next 5-10 Years?
After we know the predictions of technology that will advance rapidly in the future, let's take a peek at the technology sector companies that are currently listed on the stock market. This check is carried out as of the publication date of this article, so that data differences are possible due to the listing and delisting activities of the company on the stock exchange floor.
Tech Company Stocks Getting Legit in the Next 5-10 Years? Let's peek here

Taken from the website, there are approximately 19 technology sector companies that are currently active, I have listed the products and services displayed on each company website, namely:

  1. Anabatic Technologies Tbk: Hardware, Software Implementation, Customization, Routine Maintenance, BPO Service, Human Resources, Customer Experience, Technology & Value Add Service, Server, storage, enterprise software, network and security
  2. Cashlez Worldwide Indonesia Tbk: Payment system
  3. DCI Indonesia Tbk: Data Center
  4. Voucher Distribution Nusantara Tbk: Payment system, Instant messaging
  5. Digital Mediatama Maxima Tbk: Marketing infrastructure platform
  6. Envy Technologies Indonesia Tbk: Digital cyber security, system integration and information, telecommunications system integration
  7. Galva Technologies Tbk: Content creation, PA & Communication, Professional Audio & Lighting, Digital Signage, Security System, Computers, Projectors & Accessories, Document Solutions
  8. Hensel Davest Indonesia Tbk: PPOB, AI e-commerce, payment systems, international payments, P2P
  9. Kioson Komersial Indonesia Tbk: PPOB for SMEs
  10. Limas Indonesia Makmur Tbk: Mobile app for stock
  11. Sentral Mitra Informatika Tbk: 3D Printing, Hardware, Software, Enterprise solution
  12. M Cash Integration Tbk: PPOB, payment system, e-commerce, digital kiosk, whatsapp business
  13. Multipolar Technology Tbk: Hardware & integration, application system, it consulting service, BPO
  14. Metrodata Electronics Tbk: Cloud service, big data, digital business platform, security, business application, hybrid it infra, consulting, managed service
  15. NFC Indonesia Tbk: Promotion platform, cloud marketing & advertising platform, media & entertainment
  16. Tourindo Guide Indonesia Tbk: Tourism app
  17. Sat Nusapersada Tbk: Electronic manufacture
  18. Northcliff Citranusa Indonesia: Mobile solution, telecommunication product
  19. Indosterling Technomedia Tbk: Multi mobile application platform
Sometimes in choosing we need the power to read human behavior 5-10 years later so that the technology needed will match what is needed. In line with that, there may be more players in the industries mentioned above, both on a small and large scale.

The company I work for already uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology where its application is carried out in the financing confirmation process via telephone voice. Technically there is no human calling but a collection of robotic logic voices that are also able to receive and translate human answers or responses and then categorize them according to the agreement.

This technology speeds up the SLA process from 1 hour to less than 15 minutes. Usually, consumers are contacted the quickest to confirm financing, on average, the fastest is 1 hour after data input, but with the use of this technology, 15 minutes after data entry, consumers are immediately contacted. Effective isn't it??

Unfortunately, this kind of technology is still 'expensive' because the competition is very low. Imagine in the next 5 years, when you contact a call center, a telecommunication operator or a bank, you will probably be served by 100% robots.

Of the 19 companies, which company will I choose? I will not mention it here because it takes additional time to learn other things such as the company's operational performance or get to know the people who drive the company.

There are some companies that have lost or decreased their company's performance in the last 3 times 2017, 2018, 2019, but there are also those that have shot extraordinary.

I hope this information has been useful to you, and to your friends out there who are equally eager to become budding stock investors.

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